Welcome to the Homepage
The research cluster Work, Inclusion, Health (Arbeit, Inklusion, Gesundheit - AIG) deals with the compatibility of and participation in professional training, work and health for people with disabilities, impairments and social disadvantages in terms of prevention and participation research.
On the next pages you will find some information about the members of the cluster, the research lines and projects.
News from the Cluster
Talks at Europe's largest Conference on Human Computer Interaction
The Cluster is represented by the Research Unit Work, Inclusion and Technology (AIT) for the first time at the "Mensch und Computer 23" conference.

Toward a innovation academy for rehabilitation sciences?!
How can faculty and students make their knowledge and skills available to the region's social economy?

Cluster website successfully migrated to TYPO 3
The Research Cluster AIG is happy to welcome you on its new websites.

Research Colloquium on the EvaEfA Project
Bastian Pelka, Teresa Sartor, Jana York and Sarah Lamb presented preliminary results of the EvaEfA project.